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This isn’t my usual type of art but when my step daughters to-be are with us we often have a go at various art projects, plus I sometimes need a change in order to gain new inspiration for my Sand Art.

Plaster of Paris

Ellie and Georgie haven’t had the chance to paint them yet, but as you can see my mum’s dog Abbey decided to make a start with Ellie’s plate.

Dog paw print - flower

I can imagine the paw print turning into a flower or something along those lines, but what I love about children’s art is that you can never predict what they will produce.
flower-2 plate-2

Georgie’s plate is white at the moment but she has big plans for it!

Going back to my comment about not being able to predict what children create is something that fascinates me and always has.  It is their innocence and imaginations which haven’t been tainted and therefore their creativity can simply flow.

Over the years I have found that I have to try to switch off from daily chores and responsibilities in order to paint, whereas nine times out of ten a child can be anywhere in the house, or outside and they will have the ability to create something magical.

A while ago, I was having a stressful time with work and things were really full on.  I had a painting that I just couldn’t get right.  It was dull and pretty much reflected my mood at the time.  I put it in the garage and didn’t touch it for months and in the end I handed it over the Ellie and Georgie and said that they could use it to paint over if they liked.  They jumped at the chance because to them this wasn’t a dull uninspiring painting, to them it was their blank canvas and not only was it a blank canvas to them, it was also a ‘big’ blank canvas and they love big canvases! After about 2 hours they had totally transformed the painting and it became a happy, colourful piece of artwork, which we are all proud of and it now hangs pride of place in our hallway.

Above: This is the canvas almost as it was originally, except originally it didn’t have the white geese (oh, and yes that is a bunny you see before your eyes), below: the canvas nearly finished.
sand painting-2

Ellie, Georgie and Clara are constantly inspiring me.